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William Alexander Foster

William Alexander Foster was born in Taunton, Somerset in 1993 and was the second child of Rebecca Biddle and Matthew Foster. Here he is on the left when he was a nice little boy in 2004.
The picture (right) was taken in 2010 in Priddy on the Mendip Hills when Will is about to go on his first caving trip (and definitely my last) to Swildons Hole sump one. L to Right: Mike Palmer, William, Me and Stuart McManus.
William had a son Felix George Alexander (pictured below as a proud Dad) in 2014 with Donna Marie Walker in Exeter, Devon which made me a Great Grandad at the tender age of 73.

In 2016 they had a daughter Constance and on 4th July 2017 Rupert was born (pictured on right). William's education concerning contraception and responsible family planning has obviously been sadly neglected especially as he currently has no income and they are both on benefits!!
I was then the youngest triple Great Grandad in the family and proclaimed that "the sooner he gets snipped the better"!
Well he didn't get snipped and continued to breed. In December 2019 Emily was born who was great grandchild number four, however, Will is close to completing his degree and now seems to have realised his large family needs to be supported so has discovered some ambition to earn a living. I live in hope.
Updated on 11th Feb, 2020 |