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William Castello

Great Great grandad William Costello or Castello or Costella or Castelli was born in Mullingar, Ireland in 1812/18? and didn't know how to spell his own name or how old he was! He was a miller, probably a cloth miller and married Eliza in Ireland probably around 1840. Great grandad Alfred was born in Birmingham in 1851.

Warwickshire Census 1861, Back House 5, Aston, Warwickshire.
SurnameForenameAgeYear BornRelationOccupationBirth Place
CastelliWilliam431818HeadMillerMulingar, Ireland
CastelliEliza401821WifeDublin, Ireland
CastelliGeorge191842SonBailborn, Ireland
CastelliCharles161845SonBand FitterMulingar, Ireland
CastelliEdward131848SonScholarBirmingham, Warwickshire
CastelliAlfred101851SonScholarBirmingham, Warwickshire

Warwickshire Census 1871, Back 581 House, Ashlea Row, Duddeston, Warwickshire.
SurnameForenameAgeYear BornRelationOccupationBirth Place
CastelloWilliam591812HeadMillerMulingar, Ireland
CastelloEliza531818WifeDublin, Ireland

Created on Jun 2nd, 2015