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William Biddle

Great Grandad Biddle was born in Birmingham, England in 1849 and died in 1913. He married Jane Jones in 1883 and grandad was the first born in the following year. William worked as an edge tool polisher and lived in Tarry Road, Saltley in Birmingham so that is likely how he met Jane.

Warwickshire Census 1901, 7 St Clements Rd, Aston.
SurnameForenameAgeYear BornRelationOccupationBirth Place
BiddleWilliam521850HeadEdge Tool CleanerBirmingham
BiddleJane411860WifeBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleEdward H171884SonCarpenterBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleLouisa J151886DaughterTube Filler ElectricalBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleJames A91892SonBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleDaisy61895DaughterBirmingham, Warwickshire

Warwickshire Census 1911, 99 Tarry Rd, Saltley, Birmingham.
SurnameForenameAgeYear BornRelationOccupationBirth Place
BiddleWilliam621849HeadGemstone and Off Edge Tool workerBirmingham
BiddleJane511860WifeBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleLouisa J251886DaughterPress WorkerBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleAnnie Elizabeth221889DaughterMachinistBirmingham, Warwickshire
BiddleDaisy161895DaughterMachinistBirmingham, Warwickshire

Created on Jun 2nd, 2015