Summer 2020/21 in New Zealand

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Summer 2020/21 in New Zealand


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Jacaranda in Tauranga

December 1st is the first official day of summer here in New Zealand. The above photograph of a Jacaranda, one of hundreds in bloom here at this time of the year, is perhaps inappropriate as the tree is not a New Zealand native species but the Pohutakawa which is and commonly known as the Kiwi Christmas Tree, has yet to put on its finest display.

This first week in December was a milestone in my treatment for myeloma as it was the last chemotherapy of the cycle. It has been eight long months of treatment having to suffer the many side effects in addition to the grief of losing my wife so an end to the chemo is something of a relief. Those side effects can take as long, if not longer, to dissipate after treatment stops as the chemo itself so I am not expecting any sudden relief.

Jacaranda in Tauranga

With the myeloma now under control the next question is how long will that be before a relapse occurs which is inevitable. The prognosis is almost impossible to predict and could be measured in months or years. After a relapse you go back to chemo again which is never so effective the second time around. So far there is no cure for myeloma but new drugs are continually being trialled and life expectancy extended.

Flame Tree in Tauranga

After my wife Sue died of secondary bone cancer in May 2020, the combination of my treatment for myeloma and the Covid 19 virus epidemic kept me trapped here in New Zealand. The recent discovery of vaccines to protect against the virus plus an end to my chemo treatment should mean I can now return home to the UK, however, I would be foolish to do so in the middle of a UK winter with the virus still a threat and my immune system currently in a much weakened state. I am therefore planning a return mid April 2021 when the UK might be a safer place.

More Humour from Uncle Murdo

Pam Ayres is a funny poet from Berkshire although some of you, particularly the younger generation or those who live outside the UK, may not have heard of her. Here she talks about retirement and how married couples get on with it, in particular if you live with a husband who knows it all.

She is like a stand-up comedienne but one who mostly gives her performance in rhyming doggerel on a multiplicity of subjects and has an accent more like Dorset, Devon or Somerset than the Berkshire county of her birth. I assume Uncle Murdo sent me this as he suspects me of being a know-it-all or he might have finally realised that he is equally guilty as he does ask; "Ring any Bells?!!x"

English Premiership Rugby, Tri Nations & Autumn Cup.

Round 3 of the 2020/21 season began on Friday 4th December with Northampton Saints, who so far have not won a game, visiting Bristol. This will be the final round of premiership rugby before the first European Cup games get going next weekend. You can expand this page to see the English Premiership Rugby reports and current standings by clicking here.

The Mendip Cave Registry and Archive (MCRA)

I was contacted recently by Maurice Hewins of the Wessex Cave Club who sent me the words of a caving song I had forgotten and which I have now added to the collection on this web site. The song collection has been archived by the MCRA on their web site for posterity but Maurice would like to make a recording of a bunch of cavers singing the songs and when I return to the UK next year I will organise a singing session on Mendip to do just that.

In the meantime Maurice has made the above video of some of the songs which is a sort of documentary of their origin. These songs are possibly one of the most recent examples of genuine folk songs and are a history of Mendip caving in the 50's and 60's. You can now subscribe to the YouTube MCRA channel here where you will find a collection of videos about Mendip Caving.

Brexit negotiations

These never ending talks that keep being extended look as though they might be coming to an end finally although I anticipate we will still be talking to the EU about a Free Trade Deal for the next 10 years. I appreciate that many of you have no interest in this subject but if you wish to read more then you can expand the page by clicking here.

12th December 2020

Quite an important day for me as I reached the grand old age of 80 years old.

I decided that the occasion should also coincide with consigning my late wife Sue's ashes to the Pacific Ocean. Sue and I discussed this when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and agreed that I should do it at Orokawa Bay. Sue had never visited this beautiful place but had seen my photographs and liked the idea. At the same time she also approved my proposal to walk the Macmillan Way in the UK in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity in her memory as we had walked large sections of this long distance footpath together.

I invited some friends and relations to meet at Waihi Beach on the morning of the 12th at the Southern end of the Coromandel Peninsula and where the 2.5km walk to Orokawa Bay begins. The plan was to have a picnic on Orokawa beach and all were invited to 'bring a plate'. This is a Kiwi expression and the idea is to bring food, not an empty plate which has happened before! I would provide the liquid refreshment.

Consigning Sue's ashes to the Pacific Ocean

I purchased a few bottles of Freixenet Cava which is a Spanish sparkling wine and one that Sue and I with our witnesses Jill and John Manchip had over indulged in at our wedding breakfast in Edinburgh which was at a little Spanish restaurant in Rose Street way back in 1975. Kelly and Dave agreed to organise chill bags and to carry them to the beach and I carried the champagne flutes and Sue's ashes. Then Sue's sister Maryanne kindly invited everyone round to her house near Katikati for a BBQ to finish off the day in some style.

The day dawned a bright and sunny 20 degrees which was ideal weather for the event which you can see from the above slide show we all enjoyed. Terri and Byron Bentley came down from Auckland as did Sue's brother Phil. I waded into the surf where Sue's ashes were duly consigned to the Pacific Ocean and one or two tears were shed.

Back at Maryanne and Fred's house we continued my birthday celebrations until Fred fired the Weber up and proceeded to cook the eye filet steaks which he had ordered specially from the local butcher from the firm he used to work for in Auckland. Maryanne laid on all the salads but Fred's steaks were the pièce de résistance, cooked à point and melt in the mouth delicious. Terri baked me a birthday cake to which Maryanne added a huge plate of fresh strawberries to complete a meal fit for a king.

A big thank you must go to everyone who contributed to making my 80th birthday one to remember.

My latest health developments.

After finishing chemo I experienced a marked reduction in pain levels and on my 'Barfday' was mostly pain free after walking 5k. I was therefore optimistic for the future but I still had the pain in my ribs which had started about a month ago. The cancer clinic told me to see my GP about it which I did and she arranged an X-ray and an ultrasound scan. The result show I have a bone fracture in one of the vertebrae and lesions elsewhere so I have been referred back to the cancer centre urgently.

This ridiculous Kiwi health system is so fragmented that you often have no idea who is supposed to be responsible for your care. To my mind the cancer centre should have investigated the rib pain which would have saved time and money. My money!
Even though the drug regime I was on was prescribed jointly by Tauranga hospital renal and haematology departments, when I finished chemo it was back to the GP for a hypertension prescription although antibiotic and antiviral drugs continued to be prescribed by the hospital. The GP actually asked me if I still wanted some of the other drugs I was on. I said I thought the other drugs were to combat the chemo side effects but that I was not a doctor! Unbelievable!

Now that the GP has referred me back to the hospital I suppose the drug regime could change yet again? Fortunately I have an understanding pharmacist who will re-do blister packs of pills if things do change again.

This latest development is a setback but is one to be expected as the Myeloma progresses and I will know more once I see the specialist again. Unfortunately that said specialist has gone away on holiday for two weeks so I spoke to cancer nurse Moira who checked the latest x-ray against the one I had back in May and told me there was very little difference that she could see. Once again it would seem I am the victim of the NZ health ministry system fragmentation as it would seem the GP has seen fractures and lesions that were evident 6 months ago.
Moira also informed me that she can see on her computer record that the GP has now requested a MRI scan. It would be nice for the patient to be told what was happening to them.

More Humour from Uncle Murdo

Murder seems to have been carried away with seasonal goodwill of late and has now sent me a link to the video of Fascinating Aida singing a song in Edinburgh apologising to the Scots on behalf of the English for voting for Brexit.

Fans of this satirical trio might seek out their Christmas song as which is even ruder.

Jacob and Christine, my landlords, dropped round to wash the roof and presented me with a Christmas basket of goodies. After they had finished I plied them with Harvey Wallbangers. Two of the nicest landlords a tenant could wish for.

Happy Christmas from 66 Bell St, Tauranga

Boris gets Brexit done at last

Boris and EU boss Ursula von der Leyen seemed to have clinched the deal during a phone conversation on Monday. Ursula insisted that the UK would have to accept that if we were to change access for fishing vessels in British waters that the EU could then impose tariffs on all British goods, not just fish, but Boris was having none of it.
"Viel Hummer, kein Hammer" said Boris meaning "Lots of lobster, no hammer" and after consulting with EU leaders the "hammer" clause was removed.

Kiwi Humour

Boris had said he wanted 50% of fish quota's returned to the UK on January 1st 2021. The EU had offered 25% with a transition period of 8 years until Britain became in full control of its own territory. Boris eventually accepted 25% but with a 5.5 year transition period. The current British fleet could not catch that many fish so they needed time to invest in new vessels to have the catching capacity. After June 2026, 10 years after we voted to leave the EU, we will finally have full control over our own territory and fishing quotas will be negotiated annually.

There were a few more conversations and things to sort out but on Wednesday evening Ursula asked Boris "Do we have a deal?" "Ja" said Boris and bar a few last minute changes to the fish quota's the deal was indeed done. And about time too!
My admiration in all this must go to the negotiating teams and especially the chief negotiators Lord Frost and Michel Barnier who showed extreme patience while the political shenanigans of Napoleon Macron in shutting the French border to trucks on the pretext he was protecting his country from the virus might have made lesser men walk. The exhausted British negotiating team were flown back to Britain in a RAF transport on Christmas Eve.

English Premiership Rugby Union

Round 4 was hit by the dreaded Covid virus with two games cancelled. London Irish reported several covid infections so this meant their fixture against Bath at the rec was cancelled. Premiership Rugby awarded 4 points to Bath and 2 points to Irish.
Similarly Leicester reported infections so their game against Newcastle at Kingston Park was cancelled and premiership Rugby awarded 4 points to Newcastle and 2 to Leicester.
You can expand this page to see the English Premiership Rugby reports and current standings by clicking here.

Chris Hockey's New Year Message

Not to be outdone by Uncle Murdo, Chris Hockey sent me the video below saying 'Music often shows us the way':

The video is by an American called Daniel Emmet who was a finalist on NBC's America's Got Talent TV show. It is Nessun Dorma from Puccini's opera Turandot but entitled "No Corona" with the words in English hoping the virus will leave us in 2021. Amen to that.

The America's Cup

Yachting has never really interested me until I began to watch the America's Cup here in New Zealand. Prior to then I thought that yacht racing was equivalent to watching paint dry but not since they decided to convert yachts to hydrofoils.

The America's Cup is the oldest international sporting trophy and dates back to 1851 when the Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS) organised a yacht race around the Isle of Wight which was won by the schooner "America". The trophy was subsequently given to the New York Yacht Club (NYYC) and any yacht club in the world, provided it meets the conditions, can challenge the holders to compete for it. Up until 1983 the NYYC held the trophy when it was finally won by the Australian Royal Perth Yacht Club with "Australia II". Since then it has been won three times by the New Zealanders and twice by the Swiss as well as clubs from San Francisco and San Diego.


The yachts that compete today bear no resemblance to the original conventional displacement hull yacht designs. Since 2017 they have been catamaran hulls fitted with hydrofoils and today they are monohulls that travel at speeds of over 50 knots (58 mph) making it a spectator sport. The latest designs are called the AC75 class and incorporate folding hydrofoils actuated by hydraulics, controlled by electronics and software provided by the New Zealand Team. The yachts are 75 feet long, have a beam of 16 feet, have no keel and displace about 7 tonnes.

All the hydraulics, electrics and electronic controls are powered from batteries which are charged by several alternators hand cranked by a team of athletes who are called grinders. Then there are helmsmen, flight controllers and sail rig handlers so it is very much a team effort to keep the yacht up on the foils and sailing apart from having enough wind.

There are four teams involved this year. The holders of the trophy the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) with their yacht "Te Rehutai" and challengers Circolo della Vela Sicilia (CVS) from Italy with their yacht "Luna Rossa", NYYC with their yacht "Patriot", finally the RYS with their yacht "Britannia" skippered by Sir Ben Ainslie who have never won the America's Cup since its inception.

The three challengers compete in a series of 'Round Robin' races to decide who will compete in the final series with New Zealand for the trophy. A regatta was held towards the end of 2020 between all four boats which NZ won and the Brits failed to win a race. They worked non stop over Christmas to modify their boat to improve it's performance and succeeded in winning all four of their races in the first weekend of the challenge series.

Patriot capsize

Luna Rossa won one against Patriot but in the last race after establishing a big lead rounding the last marker prior to the final leg of the race, Patriot was caught by a squall which lifted her out of the water and she capsized. She was also holed beneath the water line and almost sank but now they have a huge task to repair their boat for the next weekends sailing apart from having null point!

The following weekend Britannia beat Luna Rossa by 20 odd seconds after a gripping race where the lead changed about nine times. The better yachtsmen won meaning that they do not have to race again until whoever won between Luna Rossa and Patriot the following weekend would meet Britannia in the final regatta.
Luna Rossa defeated Patriot in all of the first four races so go into the final and the Americans are eliminated. The winner of the final series will meet the New Zealand holders to contest the America's Cup.

The latest vaccine news on 27th Jan 2021

At the time of writing the UK has vaccinated 10.79% of the population. The EU on the other hand lags behind the UK by a considerable margin and is also experiencing supply shortfalls from the vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Astrazenica which has resulted in a caustic reaction with all sorts of unsubstantiated accusations being made by EU officials, diplomats and the media.

To read more on this subject you can expand the page here.

Rugby Union Premiership and Six Nations.

It is round 7 of the premiership on the last weekend of January and the first weekend in February is the start of the Six Nations. Italy will host France in the opening game, England, the current champions, will welcome Scotland to Twickers and Wales will face Ireland in Cardiff.

For a report on all the games you can expand this page here.